If you're reading this then you're likely a fan of Rastak or Persian folk music. If you have lots of sweet nostalgic memories with Persian folk songs, and you wish to help us introduce Persian culture and music to the world - you are in the right place.
There is a new album coming soon. We are in the process of recording a new album to once again reflect the diversity of Iranian culture and its folklore music. "Dance With Rastak" is our 6th album which will be released in two audio and video editions and comprises folk songs from ethnicities such as Azerbaijan, Dezful, Kerman, Kurdistan, Khurasan and Shiraz.
For Pre-Order please click on link below
We have been so sad that we haven’t been able to perform our music live for you during the past year due to the pandemic. We truly would like to share our music with our fans, but we need your help. So, we decided to do a crowdfunding campaign through our album website www.dancewithrastak.com where our fans and friends around the world, for the first time, can pre-order our limited edition album and enjoy listening and watching it before anyone else does.
This is our second album that we are producing independently. In addition to exclusive access to our album, as a thank you for helping us crowdfund this album, we include a series of perks that will give access to band’s members - personally.